The Fontaine Archive’s mission is to foster a community of historians, art historians, artists, and collectors interested in the art and events of postwar modernism in Germany. The writings and art of Virginia Hammersmith Fontaine (1915-1991) and Paul Emile Fontaine (1913-1996) provide context and detailed description of the expatriate experience and the role that the arts played in postwar Europe’s rebuilding. It is also a resource for Fontaine painting owners needing valuations or to connect with other collectors and collectors wishing to own Fontaine art.
If you own a Fontaine painting, would like to purchase or borrow a Fontaine painting, would like rights to reprint the works of Paul Fontaine or Virginia Fontaine or translation rights for archive material, or have other questions about the holdings of the Archive,
Please email: information-at-fontaine.org or tel: 512-415-1744